Home ยป EZbuy We value your privacy, you may view our full privacy policy here. "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 6 - Get Started 16% This field is hidden when viewing the formVINThis field is hidden when viewing the formYearThis field is hidden when viewing the formMakeThis field is hidden when viewing the formModelThis field is hidden when viewing the formOdometerThis field is hidden when viewing the formPicture LocationThis field is hidden when viewing the formVehicle priceThis field is hidden when viewing the formTax rate (%)This field is hidden when viewing the formTax dueThis field is hidden when viewing the formRegistration feeThis field is hidden when viewing the formNYS Inspection feeThis field is hidden when viewing the formDoc feeThis field is hidden when viewing the formExit5 Geocoder , milesGreat news, we can deliver this vehicle directly to your door! If you'd like to take advantage of this service, please provide your address below. Of course you can always come into the dealership for an in-person pickup, we'd love to see you there.Transportation Required I would like to have this vehicle shipped to my door This field is hidden when viewing the formSection BreakThis field is hidden when viewing the formDelivery Address GeocoderDelivery Address This field is hidden when viewing the formDelivery Zip CodeThis field is hidden when viewing the formDirections, Distance & RoutesThis field is hidden when viewing the formTransportation base costThis field is hidden when viewing the formTransportation cost per mileThis field is hidden when viewing the formTransportation markupDistance (miles)Transportation QuoteFREE DELIVERY Did you know that in addition to lowering your payment, putting cash down can actually lower your interest rate as well? If you have cash to put down on this vehicle please enter the amount below.Cash downWe would love to buy your car and, if we do, you can reap the tax advantages! Most states require sales tax to be paid only on the difference between the price of your trade and that of the vehicle you're buying. This can save you hundreds and potentially thousands of dollars.I have a trade-in I have a vehicle to trade-in Trade-in vehicle descriptionTrade-in OdometerPayoff amountThe amount you owe on your current vehicleMy estimated valueThe amount you anticipate receiving for your trade-in This field is hidden when viewing the formSection BreakThis field is hidden when viewing the formNet vehicle price Payment options* I'd like to apply for financing I will pay with cash or certified check This field is hidden when viewing the formSection BreakOkay, great. Let's continue by estimating your loan payment. We just need you to answer the two easy questions listed below. Credit score*– Fill Out Other Fields –This field is hidden when viewing the formTax Term– Fill Out Other Fields –Based on model year and credit scoreTerm (months)*– Fill Out Other Fields –This field is hidden when viewing the formTerm (years)*This field is hidden when viewing the formSection BreakThis field is hidden when viewing the formSubtotalThis field is hidden when viewing the formTotal AmountThis field is hidden when viewing the formAPR (%)This field is hidden when viewing the formNumber of paymentsThis field is hidden when viewing the formMonthly int rateThis field is hidden when viewing the formOne plus monthly int rate Here is a breakdown of your purchase based on the information you provided on the previous pages. Vehicle price Trade-in value Net vehicle price Estimated tax Payoff amount Registration fee $150.00 NYS inspection fee $21.00 Doc fee $175.00 Transportation cost Sub total Cash down Interest rate % Vehicle price Trade-in value Net vehicle price Estimated tax Payoff amount Registration fee $150.00 NYS inspection fee $21.00 Doc fee $175.00 Transportation cost Total Estimated monthly payment: $The EZ-Buy does not have the ability to pre-qualify you for a loan. Loan qualification requires additional information such as updated credit information, existing debts, and prior payment history. All of these factors can alter the payment amount shown above. Please also be aware that interest rates are subject to change at any time and without notice. We are almost done, all that is left is to provide your contact information and optionally put down a deposit. Credit ApplicationThis field is hidden when viewing the formApplicant GeocoderName* First Last Applicant Address* This field is hidden when viewing the formApplicant StreetThis field is hidden when viewing the formApplicant CityThis field is hidden when viewing the formApplicant StateThis field is hidden when viewing the formApplicant Zip CodeThis field is hidden when viewing the formApplicant CountryPhone*Email* This field is hidden when viewing the formSection BreakSocial Security Number*Date of Birth* Month Day Year Residential status* Own Rent Family residence Other Years at this address*Rent/Mortgage amountPrevious addressPrevious AddressThis field is hidden when viewing the formPrevious Address GeocoderPrevious Address* This field is hidden when viewing the formPrevious Zip CodeYears at previous address*This field is hidden when viewing the formSection BreakEmployment InformationEmployment type* Employed Self employed Retired Military Student Unemployed Other This field is hidden when viewing the formSection BreakJob Title*Employer*This field is hidden when viewing the formWork Address GeocoderWork Address* This field is hidden when viewing the formWork Address Zip CodeBusiness phone*Monthly income*Length of employment (years)*This field is hidden when viewing the formSection BreakOther Income Sources Unemployment Alimony Child Support Pension Other Other Monthly IncomeCo-applicant InformationCo-applicant I have a co-applicant This field is hidden when viewing the formCo-applicantCo-applicant name* First Last This field is hidden when viewing the formCo-Applicant GeocoderCo-applicant Address This field is hidden when viewing the formCo-Applicant Zip CodePhone*Email Social Security Number*Date of birth* Month Day Year Residential status* Own Rent Family residence Other Years at this address*Rent/Mortgage amountEmployment type* Employed Self employed Retired Military Student Unemployed Other This field is hidden when viewing the formSection BreakJob Title*Employer*This field is hidden when viewing the formCo Applicant Work Employer GeocoderAddress* This field is hidden when viewing the formCo-Applicant Employer Zip CodeWork phone*Monthly income*Length of employment (years)*Please enter a number from 0 to 99.This field is hidden when viewing the formSection BreakOther Income Sources Unemployment Alimony Child Support Pension Other Other Monthly IncomeThis field is hidden when viewing the formConsent Section BreakNote and CommentsNotes and CommentsAcknowledgment and ConsentConsent* I consent*The words "you," "your" and "yours" mean each person submitting this application. The words "we," "us," "our" and "ours," as used below, refer to the dealer and the financial institutions selected to receive your application. You authorize the dealer, as part of the credit underwriting process, to submit this application and any other application submitted in connection with the proposed transaction to the financial institutions disclosed to you by the dealer for review. In addition, in accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act, you authorize that such Financial Institutions may submit your applications for review to other financial institutions that may want to purchase your contract. You agree that we and any financial institutions to which your application is submitted may obtain a consumer credit report periodically from one or more consumer reporting agencies (credit bureaus) in connection with the proposed transaction and any update, renewal, refinancing, modification or extension of that transaction. You agree that we may verify your employment, pay, assets and debts and that anyone receiving a copy of this is authorized to provide us with such information. You further authorize us to gather whatever credit and employment history we consider necessary and appropriate in evaluating this application and any other applications submitted in connection with the proposed transaction. We may keep this application, any other application submitted to us and any information about you, whether or not the application is approved. You certify that the information on this application and in any other application submitted to us is true and complete. You understand that false statements may subject you to criminal penalties. Have you ever found the perfect vehicle only to find that it was sold by the time you get to the dealership? If so, don't worry, you're not alone. In an effort to avoid that type of annoying shopping experience Exit5 Auto allows you to reserve the vehicle for 72 hours with a small $200 deposit. If for some reason you opt not to purchase the vehicle, we will gladly return your deposit. This gives you peace of mind and gives and ensures that the vehicle is available when you arrive.DepositThis field is hidden when viewing the formPayPal StreetThis field is hidden when viewing the formPayPal Address 2This field is hidden when viewing the formPayPal CityThis field is hidden when viewing the formPayPal StateThis field is hidden when viewing the formPayPal ZipThis field is hidden when viewing the formPayPal CountryDeposit confirmation I would like to secure this vehicle with a $200 deposit Payment MethodPayPal CheckoutCredit Card American ExpressDiscoverMasterCardVisaSupported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa Card Number Expiration Date Security Code EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.